Compare prices on Razor Pink Scooters for Kids, including the Razor A Kick Scooter, Razor E100 and more:
List of Razor Pink Scooters:
If you are looking for a Pink Scooter for Kids from Razor, here are a list of what is available - for just about any age!
Razor A Kick Scooter in Pink: This appears to be the most popular of the pink colored scooters from Razor, and continues to be the "tried and true" version of the kick scooter that both kids and parents love!
Important Info: For kids age 5 and older, maximum weight 120 pounds.
Razor E100 Pink Electric Scooter: The E100 is an electric scooter for kids that is amazingly popular! It is the "basic" in the electric lineup.
Important Info: For kids age 8 and older, 120 lbs. max weight. Requires a kick start to 3 MPH for motor to engage. Rides up to 10 MPH for 40 minutes between charges.
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Razor Pink PowerWing Caster Scooter: Here is a unique design in scooters, specifically built for tricks! It has two caster wheels on the back that provide some flexible and unusual moves, and is actually propelled forward simply by moving the feet!
Important Info: For kids 5 years and older, 143 lbs max weight.
Razor Spark Pink Scooter: Here is a unique twist on the Razor Kick - a scooter with a "spark bar" that literally shoots out sparks! Great for simple scooter cruising as well.
Important Information: For kids age 8 and older, 143 lbs. max weight.
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Razor Pink Kiddie Kick Scooter: Here is a scooter for the very young ladies among us! It gives added stability with its three wheel design and folds up for easy storage.
Important Information: For kids age 3 to 6 years.
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Razor Pocket Mod Pink Euro Mini Scooter: Again, Razor has created a unique concept in scooters for kids with the Pocket Mod Euro Mini! The Pink version is named "Sweetpea" and features tassels from the handlebars.
Important Information: For kids age 12 and older, weight limit 150 lbs. Rides up to 15 MPH, will drive 10 miles on a single charge. Storage space under seat.
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